Step 1 : Visit, click the SIGN IN | REGISTER link on the upper right corner.
Step 2 : In the next page, fill in the Username, Email Address and Password in the REGISTER panel, then press the REGISTER button.
Step 3 : Your new IMS Shop account is registered. You’ll receive a notification mail about the creation of the new account. Next time you may login either with the Username or the Email Address that you specified. Press ‘SHOP’ on the top menu and continue shopping.
Step 4 : Once you picked all the items that you want to purchase, click the VIEW CART button and proceed to the checkout page.
Step 5 : In the Checkout page, select the delivery campus, and press the PROCEED TO CHECKOUT button.
Step 6 : In the next Checkout page, fill in all the mandatory fields (marked with asterisks). The system will remember the entries and will pre-fill the fields in your next order. You may modify the pre-filled fields if there are any changes. Once you fill in all the mandatory fields, you may press the PROCEED TO PAYPAL button and proceed to the payment webpage.
Step 7 : The system will redirect you to the Paypal payment page. You may either login your existing Paypal Account, or press the ‘Pay with Debit or Credit Card’ button and pay the order with your credit card directly.
Step 8 : Once the order was paid, press the ‘Return to Merchant’ button.
Step 9 : Paypal will then redirect the webpage back to the order summary page of the IMS Shop website. Your order was received by IMS and the IMS Admin will notify you the order delivery in about 2 weeks.